Friday, March 26, 2021



Important Battles in Indian History.


Name of the Battle Period

Battle between Won by Significance


Battle Hydaspes 326 BC

Alexander and Porus Alexander

 Fought on the banks of the Jhelum, which is called ‘Hydaspes’ in Greek; opened relations between India and the West


Kalinga War 260 BC

AshokaandKing ofKalinga (Orissa) Ashoka

Vast destruction andbloodshed changedthe attitude of Ashoka andheembraced Buddhism 3

First Battle of or Thaneswar 1191AD

Prithviraj Chauhan and Mohd Ghori Prithviraj Chauhan



Second Battle of Paipat 1192



Estabishment of an Islamic empire in India Onset of the Mughal Tarain empire in India 5

First Battle of Panipat 1526AD

Ibrahim Lodhi and Babur Babur

Onset of the Mughal Empire in India 6

Battle of Kannauj 1527AD

Babur and Rana Sangha Babur



Battle of Kannauj 1540 AD

Sher Shah and Humayun Sher Shah

Sher Shah became emperor of India 8

Second Battle of Panipat 1556 AD

Akbar and Hemu Akabr

Ended Afghan rule, strengthened mughal rule 9

Battle of Talikota 1564-65 AD

Combined forces of 4 Muslim rulers of Deccan and Ramraja of Vijaynagar Muslim forces

Destroyed HinduKingdom of the Deccan; sealed the fortunes of Vijaynagar empire 10

Battle of Haldighati 1576 AD

Rana Pratap and Akbar Akbar

Rana Pratap fought gallantly and took refuge in a remote fortress 11

Battle of Samugarh

1659 AD

Aurangzeb and Imperial forces led by Dara Aurangzeb

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Aurangzeb captured the Mughal throne

Battle of Plassey 1757 AD

Siraj-ud-daula and English forces under Clive English forces

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Fought at Plassey. The English became masters of British rule

Third Battle of Panipat 1761

Ahmed Shah Abdali and Marathas Ahmed Shah Abdali

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Gave a setback to Marathas in the north; sealed destiny of Mughal empire and made British entry easier

Battle of Buxar 1764 AD

Joint forces of Muslims and English English forces

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Led to English occupation of India

Third Mysore War 1790-92 AD

English forces and Tipu Sultan English forces

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Tipu Sultan had to sign treaty of the Seringapattam

Fourth Mysore War 1799 AD

English forces and Tipu Sultan English forces

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Fought at Malavali and brought the Mohammedan dynasty of Mysore to end

First Sikh War 1854 AD

English forces and Sikhs English forces

Sikh kingdom came under the British


Indo-Pak War 1948

India and Pakistan


Fought in Kashmir, ceasfire agreed to on actual line of occupation 19

Sino-India War 1962

China and India


China invaded India on the north eastern front. Ceasefire was agreed to on the intervention of other countries


Indo-Pak War 1965

India and Pakistan


Fought in the western sector, led to Tashkent Pact between India and Pakistan; described as the heaviest tank battle since World War II


Indo-Pak War 1971

India and Pakistan


On Dec. 3. 1971 Pakistan attacked; India helped Mukti Bahini on the eastern front and East Pakistan was liberated: the state of Bangladesh was formed.


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